Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to not compare yourself to others!

Who do you want to be… a supermodel, an actor, the popular kid in your class or the smart kid? We all want to be someone, but some of us are even willing to give up themselves to succeed and become somebody that they think is perfect. Are you that person? Just think, do you want to lose yourself to become someone else; someone that you think is better? I understand that we all want that beautiful body, the nice personality and those nice grades. But if you have to give up yourself it is not worth it! We think that the perfect people have everything right in there life. However the truth is that they don’t. Since I was little I was always told to never compare myself to anybody else. I have grown up with the thought that I am going to make goals for myself rather than competing for that A or B. If we always have the thought in our minds of getting in that A grade because one of our peers have it, then it's going to be very hard to succeed. You are always going to want to compete with people on everything. Soon you’re going to become a replica of many people rather than yourself. I know it may not be that severe but I am trying to make a point here to make goals and not competitions. You are good at things that other people are not good at, and others are good at things you are not good at. Make the goal of getting in shape because you want it. That way when you reach your goal you can be happy rather than thinking you look like someone and you fit in. If you want to get an A because of somebody else than when you achieve it you wont be as happy because you did it for someone else but yourself. Overall, the next time you think getting good grades or getting in shape for the summer, do it for yourself not because you want to fit in or become someone you’re not!


P.S. It’s a laughable life. Let’s all achieve the ultimate goal together. Happiness and Love! Love you all!

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