Thursday, September 3, 2015

Back to School:Workout Schedule

When it comes to school, we all get busy. We get busy with all the homework, events, and all the hard working. But let's take some of that hard work and put it to working out. We all have to make time in order to obtain healthiness. In order to keep your health on a track, I have made a schedule for you to alter.

-start off your morning with a healthy breakfast-protein(egg), wheat/vegetable (tomato bagel), fruit and a glass of milk. 
-stay hydrated throughout the day
-eat a healthy lunch
-once you come home-eat a snack (30 minutes) and give yourself time to relax.
-then complete any homework you may have to (2 hours)
-once completed, either go to the gym for an hour or complete these exercises at home...
~go on a 30 minute run/bike ride 
~complete sit ups and push up to build      muscles 
 -lift substituted weights in order to work out arm
-once completed the gym workout or home workout, take a shower (30 minutes)
-then eat some dinner/chill and have a good night's sleep 
P.S. This is what works for us, and these are just our personal opinions. Stay happy! 

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