So much can be said in so little words, that no matter how much you try the impact is always there. It depends on if you use it positively or negatively and, how you use it no one else can change. People will tell you things but they may not be the best for you. Its up to you to find your passion and dreams and, people around you will tell you or "suggest" you many things. Listen to them, but ultimately what you are trying to find resides within you. This is my experience and I am still learning from it (probably will for the rest of my life), I may not know what resides within me but I'm attempting to find it and I know that sooner or later, I will. And I know that everyone can and that stress shouldn't put you down, in fact it should push you harder to find yourself. To find whats within and what you love. No one can find it for you no matter how smart they may be or how much of an effect they have on you and, no matter how close they are to you... Whats inside is what you know. Its your choice to find it ... no one knows you better than yourself.
How will you find yourself?
Stay Passionate, K
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