Monday, February 1, 2016

Those Days.

You fall asleep excited for the next day, that it will be great and everything will go perfectly...
But, you wake up and have this sense of thought, where you question and seem lost in imagination... the start to your day didn't go so well. And that mindset goes with you the entire day. You don't put your mind and will into what you are meant to do, and you know that, yet it's in your nature to believe and focus on your thoughts. Forgetting about all other.
Then, people get mad at you due to your "negative" behavior/attitude towards everything and everyone throughout the day.
The matter of the fact is that "those days" are normal. It's a part of you. Those days are the days of realization, the days that capture and form you. They may seem like not so swell days but, in the future you will remember those days and how they changed you.
The mind and the emotions that it is capable of is phenomenal, once you start thinking, your mind engulfs you into the essence of the mind.
Who you are makes some of your days, those days... for some they have more of an impact and for some they don't but, they always bring something.
Take those days into the power of your hands, the strength of those thoughts create lifelong changes. Cherish them, with will power and complete the passions and dreams that it brings.
And at the end of that day, your realization will reach great heights; a sudden burst of emotion will inundate you, big or small.

Stay Thinking- K

....What will your day bring?

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